Saint Benedict stipulates that guests will always be present in the monastery. Monks welcome guests. They can spend a few days (up to a week) in the hostel to share our life of silence and prayer. During their stay, guests take part in the liturgical offices in our church. They can devote time to prayer and reading. If they so wish, they can meet a monk-priest. They then return to their own lives, fortified by the life of prayer they have shared with the monks.

Guests are invited to participate in the monastic offices in the church. The night office is reserved for men.

Hostel accommodation
Bedrooms containing single beds are located on the first floor. Showers and toilets are either in the bedrooms or in the corridor. A library featuring a selection of books is available for guests’ use, together with a chapel. There are only a limited number of rooms (eight for those on retreat and six for couples).

We are unable to put up passing visitors for the night, although the guest brother can suggest a local hotel or pension.

Guests eat in silence listening to music or the book read in the monks’ refectory. They help to lay the table, clean the tables and wash the dishes.

Boarding costs
Boarding costs are displayed in the bedrooms. Monks may waive all or part of the boarding costs for guests so that financial difficulties do not prevent them from staying at the monastery.

Respecting silence and the enclosure
Silence respected by everyone is beneficial for everyone. There are areas reserved for monks. There is plenty of space for guests. There is no Internet access in the hostel.

Once you have decided to stay at Nový Dvůr, please contact the guest brother:
+420 353 300 525 with voicemail.

If using a GPS system, enter: Dobrá Voda, Toužim.