Abbey of Nový Dvůr

Who are we?
The monks of Nový Dvůr belong to the order of Trappist-Cistercians (O.C.S.O.). They lead a life of prayer and work in a brotherhood, following the Rule of Saint Benedict and Cistercian customs. The founders from France settled in the remote region of Sudetes, West of Bohemia. The monastery is surrounded by workshops, garages and sheds – where the monks work – set in converging meadows, vegetable gardens and lawns surrounded by flowers. The heart of the monastery, however, is the church, where they spend most of their time. Even before the sun rises, against the rhythm of chanted psalms, they carry the present and future of the world, whether Christian or not, in their prayers.

“Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you. I will make a great nation from you. I will bless you and make your name famous; people will use your name to bless others. I will bless those who bless you. All the nations of the Earth will be blessed through you.”
Genesis, 12, 1-3